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My Portfolio for Flash Game Development

This is my portfolio where I will showing you some things I made in Flash. I made an animation, a logo, a storybook, a random numbers game where to try to guess the combination to a locker, and a simple character control program where you move a player across the screen. The .as files in the /Flash directory have the code that I used along with the .fla files, which are the main Flash files.

In the animation file, I used a Simple Motion Tween and then moved the path downward. I also learned how to display the pages in the storybook using the Addchild command.

Then, I designed eleven frames for the finished storybook, and I learned how to add event listeners for the buttons. When you click on the frog on the lilypad, it will switch to the second speech. Then, you click on the Continue button, which makes the cat shrink. Lastly, click on the picture on the bottom, and it will appear as if the frog is swallowing the cat, and the cat disappears.

The next program I made, which was the combination program, was a little bit more complicated. First, you are supposed to enter each number separately and after you enter a number, you click on the corresponding Guess button, and it will tell you if the guess is too high or too low as well as what your current guess is. It will generate three random numbers, each from 1 to 50. You get ten guesses to guess the combination. Otherwise, you will get a message that says you have run out of guesses, and the program will display the combination. Then, I make the Play Again button visible after you win or lose, and the game is done.

I have also made a journal on Angelfire and the iowacconline website in the Journals/Blogs tab that explains more things I have learned as well as some problems I have encountered. Let me know what you think.


Simple Flash Animation (HTML file)

Simple Flash Animation SWF file

Chapter 1:Logo (HTML file)

Chapter 1:Logo (SWF file)

Chapter 2:Storybook (HTML file)

Chapter 2:Storybook (SWF file)

Chapter 3:Storybook (HTML file)

Chapter 3:Storybook (SWF file)

Chapter 4:Finished Storybook (HTML file)

Chapter 4:Finished Storybook (SWF file)

Chapter 5:Combination Game(HTML file)

Chapter 5:Combination Game(SWF file)

Chapter 6: Character Control (HTML file)

Chapter 6: Character Control (SWF file)

Chapter 7: Collision Program (HTML file)

Chapter 7: Collision Program (SWF file)

Chapter 8: Worksheet (HTML page)

Chapter 8: Dungeon Maze Program (HTML file)

Chapter 8: Dungeon Maze Program (SWF file)

Chapter 9: Bug Catcher Modification Program (HTML file)

Chapter 9: Bug Catcher Modification (SWF file)

Chapter 10: Timer Program Modification (HTML file)

Chapter 10: Timer Program Modification (SWF file)

Final Project Platform Game (HTML file)

Final Project Platform Game (SWF file)

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